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Prof. Seong Shin KIM's research on possibility of treating cognitive and early dementia patients using MRI and RTMS 2018.08.31
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게시글 내용

SKKU research professor Seong Shin KIM of the Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) published the study on the possibility of treating cognitive and early dementia patients using repeated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS) at “Science Advances” on Aug 22th.

Although previous studies have suggested the possibility of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to restore memories, the study has not been able to elucidate the specific causal relationship of how memory activity influences brain activity.

The research team visualized brain activity using a functional MRI device in an associative memory experiment using RTMS in order to determine the effects on brain circuits that is responsible for memory. As a result, the study found that the 'associative memory ability' which memorizes the position of the object or the related image when stimulating the parietal lobe constantly, is improved by 15% or more.

In addition, the ability of recall memory to recall other images related to objects in the associative memory ability was improved, but it found out that there was no change in the recognition memory to judge the person had encountered the object before. Throughout the experience, this study revealed that the process of recall memory and recognition memory is different among associative memories and brain area that is affected by the RTMS.

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